Międzynarodowa konferencja socjologiczna 14-15.05.2012 Uniwersytet Gdański sala D302
Workshop on Embeddedness and Embedding
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Day I – May 14, 2012 | |
8:00-9:00 | Registration |
9:00-9:15 | Welcome by Polish Sociological Association, University of Gdańsk and Kashubian Institute |
9:15-10:45 | Session I: Theoretical Re-considerations [D302]
[chair: Rafał Wiśniewski (IS Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University & Polish Sociological Association – Warsaw, Poland]] Discussant: Martin Hess (University of Manchester – Manchester, UK) Grażyna Skąpska (Jagiellonian University & Polish Sociological Association – Krakow, Poland): TBA Sebastian Nagel (University of Jena – Jena, Germany): Marketization and the Consequences for Embeddedness-Approaches |
10:45-11:00 | Coffee break |
11:00-12:30 | Session II: Critical Approaches [D302]
[chair: Grażyna Skąpska (Jagiellonian University & Polish Sociological Association – Krakow, Poland)] Andrea Maurer (University of the German Federal Armed Forces – Munich, Germany):Embedding and the Notion of Social Action in the Work of Max Weber Maie Kiisel and Triin Vihalemm (University of Tartu – Tartu, Estonia): Mechanisms of Embeddedness: Communicative Re-orientation, Fragmentation and Its Social Perception Paulina Bednarz-Luczewska (Kozmiński University – Warsaw, Poland): Towards a Multilevel Theory of Work-Family Interface. The Model Of Role Embedding |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch break at Restaurant “4 Strony Świata”, Gdańsk |
14:00-15:30 | Session III: Embedding and Re-embedding of Local Communities and Agro-Industrial Practices [D302]
[chair: Mariusz Czepczyński (University of Gdańsk – Gdańsk, Poland)] Jacek Kurczewski (University of Warsaw – Warsaw, Poland): Individual Embededness in Local Communities, Social Control and Antagonisms Michiel de Krom (Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research – Merelbeke, Belgium): Governing the Multifunctionality of Agriculture: Understanding the Social and Ecological Embeddedness of Agri-Environmental Change Agnese Cimdiņa (University of Latvia – Riga, Latvia): The Embeddedness of Rural Life: The Case of Latvia |
15:30-15:45 | Coffee break |
15:45-17:45 | Session IV: The Embedding of Exchange and Market Types [D302]
[chair Jacek Kurczewski (University of Warsaw – Warsaw, Poland)] Aleksandra Lis (Central European University – Budapest, Hungary): Embedding or Performing Markets? Economizing Climate Action Agnese Cimdiņa (University of Latvia – Riga, Latvia): Exchange and the Cultural Embeddedness of Market Transactions Vadim Radaev (National Research University “Higher School of Economics” – Moscow, Russia): Embeddedness Unpacked: Constitutive Elements and Facilitating Factors of Relational Exchange in Supply Chain Zoya Kotelnikova (National Research University “Higher School of Economics” – Moscow, Russia): Formation of Embedded Ties through Durable Exchange in Retailer-Supplier Relationships in Russia |
17:45-18:00 | Coffee break |
18:00-19:30 | Session V: Financial Market Services and Practices: Embedding and Decoupling Mechanisms [D302]
[chair: Martin Hess (University of Manchester – Manchester, UK)] Javier Hernandez (University of Edinburgh – Edinburgh, Scotland): Embeddedness and Complexity in the Financial Services Industry Kiwamu Ando (Nagoya City University – Nagoya, Japan): Dealing with Death through the Market: The Development of Life Insurance Industry Embedded in Post-war Japanese Family and Life Course Changes Maciej Huculak (Institute of Urban Development – Krakow, Poland): Quantifying The Embeddedness And Its Place in Local And Regional Investment Policies. Practical Approach |
19:40:00 | Travel to the social event premises (from the entrance of the faculty building) |
20:00:00 | Reception (Restaurant at the Abbot’s Palace, Gdańsk) |
Day II – May 15, 2012 | |
8:45-9:15 | Registration |
9:15-10:45 | Session VI: Networks and Market Strategies [D302]
[chair: Arnt Fløysand (University of Bergen – Bergen, Norway)] Ivo Domingues (University of Minho – Braga, Portugal): Inter-organisational Cooperation: Cultural and Structural Embeddedness and Embedded Cooperative Practices Tetiana Kostiuchenko (National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” – Kiev, Ukraine):Embeddedness of Economic, Political and Non-profit Actors: Affiliation Networks and Power Interlocks in Ukraine Natalia Karmaeva (Bielefeld University – Bielefeld, Germany): Social Embeddedness of Academic Labour Market and Professional Development of Teaching Academics in Germany |
10:45-11:00 | Coffee break |
11:00-12:30 | Session VII: Innovation and Entrepreneurship [D302]
[chair: Arkadiusz Peisert (University of Gdańsk – Gdańsk, Poland)] Arnt Fløysand (University of Bergen – Bergen, Norway): The Complexity of Innovation: A Relational Turn Adriana Mica (University of Gdańsk – Gdańsk, Poland): The Embeddedness of Formal and Informal (Diffusion of) Innovations Michał Dudek (University of Warsaw – Warsaw, Poland): Discourse over Public Support to Entrepreneurs in Poland: The Political Embeddedness of Economic Action |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch break at Restaurant “4 Strony Świata”, Gdańsk |
14:00-15:30 | Session VIII: Placing Capitals: Exploring Migration and Embeddedness
[chair: Mikołaj Pawlak (University of Warsaw – Warsaw, Poland)] Louise Ryan and Jon Mulholland (Middlesex University – London, UK): Embedding in Motion: Analysing the Dynamics of Networks and Mobility among Highly Skilled Migrants Alessio D’Angelo (Middlesex University – London, UK): Migrant Organisations: Embodied and Embedded Community Capital? |
15:30-15:45 | Coffee break |
15:45-17:15 | Session IX: Embedding of Immigrant Communities and Entrepreneurship
[chair: Adriana Mica (University of Gdańsk – Gdańsk, Poland] Umut Erel (Open University – Milton Keynes, UK): Thinking Migration-Specific Capitals Intersectionally: Creating and Overcoming Gendered Vulnerabilities Philipp Schnell, Ursula Reeger and Josef Kohlbacher (Austrian Academy of Sciences – Vienna, Austria): Neighbourhood Embeddedness in European Urban Settings Östen Wahlbeck (University of Helsinki – Helsinki, Finland): Social Capital and Self-Employment among Turkish Immigrants in Finland |
17:15:00 | Time reserve |
Szkoda, że niewielu słuchaczy uczestniczyło w tej konferencji. Na szczęście nie odbywała się w auli, więc jej kameralny charakter nie kojarzył się z pustymi krzesłami, lecz bliskością dyskutantów i zachęcał do zabierania głosu. Zebrała się bardzo ciekawa ekipa i okazało się, że zakorzenienie działalności ekonomicznej oraz twórczości w relacjach społecznych i politycznych czyli embeddedness według Marka Granovettera i Karla Polanyiego (nie mylić z Johnem) jest bardzo dobra do dyskutowania, konkretyzacji i stosowania w badaniach, zwłaszcza metodą sieciową. Nie wszystkie wystąpienia słyszałam, ale zebrało się sporo młodych ludzi, intensywnie dyskutowała Grażyna Skąpska. Mam wrażenie, że jest to bardzo przyszłościowa perspektywa. Gratulacje dla Adriany za pomysł i organizację!
Następna możliwość posłuchania i podyskutowania o koncepcji embeddedness w październiku na konferencji ISA, ESA i ASA w Moskiwe http://esconf2012.hse.ru/programme